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Chiropractic for Injuries & Recovery

Injuries car accident sports injury chiropractic

Sports Injuries – Muscle Strains, Sprains, and performance optimization

Work-Related Pain – Repetitive Stress, Lifting Injuries, Postural Strain

Personal Injury - Slips, Falls, At-Home Injuries

Whether you're an athlete pushing your limits, recovering from a sports injury, having, dealing with chronic pain from long hours at work, or have had a recent injury at home we can help you deal with your pain and function better. We will take X-rays here on site to make sure you have not been severely injured. 

✔  Speed Up Recovery & Prevent Future Injuries
✔  Improve Mobility, Strength & Athletic Performance
✔  Reduce Pain & Correct Postural Imbalances

In North Fort Worth, athletes and active individuals put their bodies through intense physical stress, increasing the risk of muscle strains, joint injuries, and misalignments through repetitive movement can limit performance. For those dealing with work-related pain, long hours at a desk, and poor posture can lead to chronic discomfort, stiffness, and muscle imbalances. 

At Revitalize Chiropractic we will take into account your full health history and tailor a chiropractic care plan for you. If we need to take x-rays to get a fuller picture of what is going on we will. Our first goal is to understand why you have pain, the next it to get rid of as much of it as we can. Nothing is perfect, especially in injury, but we will add motion in the joint, reduce the stress in the nervous system, and relax the muscles 


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